A poll on Facebook revealed the most derogatory term curvy cyclists hear, mainly from motorists, is ‘Fat C*nt’!
The business problem. Fat Lad needed to show the community they stood shoulder to shoulder with real people.
Our challenge. Get column inches, show people Fat Lad cares.
Our answer. Stand with fat people, real people. Show they 'can' do anything.
The results. Holy moly... 276 pieces of press all over the world.

What are the category dynamics?
Before Rapha started in 2004, the design of every single cycling jersey was a crime against humanity. Lots of brands talk about reimagining a category... Rapha are one of the few who have. And so have completely dominated the category for 20 years.
Fat Lad were on Dragon's Den in 2014 and have steadily built a cult following.
When we started working together in 2022, Fat Lad gave us one simple challenge; find new customers to grow from 10th to 8th. We've done that by consistently getting them noticed year after year. Roll on the Fat Lad!
Do you have similar challenges to Fat Lad at the Back? Then get in touch. You won't regret it, pinky promise.